S. Korea "4 B" Feminist movement.

April 13, 2024

4B is a feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019.

Its proponents renounce dating men, marriage, sex with men and having children.

Current Affairs

Context :

  • The movement advocates for rejecting marriage, childbirth, dating, and sex.
  • It stems from a desire for equality and a rejection of patriarchal norms. Economic hardship and a sense of disillusionment also contribute.
  • The 4B movement has been gaining popularity online.

Population trends and their Impact on Society:

Thomas Malthus: Malthus is perhaps the most famous scholar of population. He argued that population growth would always outpace food production, leading to poverty and misery .

Emile Durkheim: Durkheim studied the effects of population density on social solidarity. He argued that high population density could lead to a breakdown of social norms and an increase in anomie, a state of normlessness .

Max Weber: Weber was interested in the relationship between population growth and social change. He argued that the rise of bureaucracy was partly due to the need to manage increasingly complex societies with large populations.

Kingsley Davis and Judith Blake: Davis and Blake developed the theory of demographic transition, which suggests that societies go through a series of stages in their population growth, from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates.

Ester Boserup: Boserup studied the relationship between population growth and technological change in agriculture. She argued that population pressure can lead to the development of new agricultural technologies.

M.N.Srinivas: Srinivas was a prominent Indian sociologist who studied caste systems, social stratification, and social change in India. His work on the impact of modernization on traditional social structures remains relevant in understanding population dynamics in contemporary India.

Radhakumud Mookerj: Mookerji was a noted historian and sociologist who studied ancient India's social structure and population patterns. His work challenged the then-prevalent notion of a stagnant Hindu society and highlighted the dynamism of population changes throughout Indian history.

Amartya Sen : Amartya Sen, a Nobel laureate in economics, has made significant contributions to development economics and social choice theory. His work on poverty, inequality, and population growth has influenced policy-making in India and around the world.

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S. Korea "4 B" Feminist movement.

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